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The following is a summary of some of the elements that distinguishes our school:

BALANCED EDUCATION At Heritage House School we search out the best of what is available among educational models in order to adapt practices that will most suit our pupils.

APPETITE FOR LEARNING We support the natural desire of the child to learn. We understand that motivation is intrinsic and spring from the interests of the child and the communicable zeal conveyed by the staff - not through competitive rank ordering, rewards, punishment or educational pressure.

CLOSE MONITORING Children are closely monitored in their welfare at school and their progress is also carefully and constantly monitored. MUTUAL RESPECT Staff work towards creating an environment of mutual respect between the children and a sense of school community.

ACTIVE LEARNING Recent research into how children learn and retain information clearly shows that active learning is better for retention than passive earning. At Heritage House School, we make every effort to keep learning lively and stimulating - employing games and activities as appropriate. Independent learning through investigation is also encouraged.

A PRAYING SCHOOL As a Christian school, we believe in the efficacy of prayer. To this end, we take time out regularly to uphold the children, parents and staff in the place of prayer and also commit the general well being of the school to God. Staff and parent prayer meetings are held on a termly basis. Our prayers wall where all our children in the school are represented serve as our point of contact in prayers for all the children in the school. This has been and will continue to be one of our greatest asset.

The day starts at 8.00am with assembly for the primary children and Circle time and welcome activity for pre-school aged children.
This is followed by a 3-hour independent work cycle, where they explore concrete materials of their choice across the different curriculum areas within the prepared environment.The materials are child-sized, real and graded to meet the needs of the different ages and levels within the classroom. As the children attain concepts, they gradually move from concrete manipulation to abstract understanding and deeper meanings.
At the primary level each day's work begins with guided reading for half an hour. This provides support for pupil's literacy learning enables them to talk, read and think their way purposefully through the text provided by the teacher.
The day is further divided into eight periods of thirty-five minutes each across the subject areas. School wide themes are explored as project work across the curriculum and at different levels, enabling students focus on different areas of interest until every area has been fully explored and the required tasks completed.
The day starts at 8.00am with assembly for the primary children and Circle time and welcome activity for pre-school aged children.This is followed by a 3-hour independent work cycle, where they explore concrete materials of their choice across the different curriculum areas within the prepared environment.
The materials are child-sized, real and graded to meet the needs of the different ages and levels within the classroom. As the children attain concepts, they gradually move from concrete manipulation to abstract understanding and deeper meanings.At the primary level each day's work begins with guided reading for half an hour.
This provides support for pupil's literacy learning enables them to talk, read and think their way purposefully through the text provided by the teacher.The day is further divided into eight periods of thirty-five minutes each across the subject areas. School wide themes are explored as project work across the curriculum and at different levels, enabling students focus on different areas of interest until every area has been fully explored and the required tasks completed.
At Heritage House School, we consolidate on the benefits of the early years experience even at primary level. The Montessori curriculum for the early years, which we employ at pre- school level extends to age 6, and as such our teachers in the Early primary classes are usually trained Montessori teachers who still employ concrete Montessori materials and principles, in helping children attain the concepts necessary for understanding certain aspects of the curriculum.
This is particularly useful for children who do not go through our Montessori Preschool and join us in the first year Without any doubt, for your child to reap the full and enduring benefit of the Montessori experience at Heritage House School, it is best for your child to remain with us till he or she leaves for secondary school.
As your child moves higher on the academic ladder, she will build on her previous experiences and knowledge, attain complex concepts and thinking skills and participate in projects and extra curricular activities geared towards expanding his horizon and preparing him for the next stage of learning.
Heritage House School has successfully graduated students who are confident, self-starters in their own right. Children who pass through our school have learnt what it means to be independent learners, excellent time managers and are used to meticulous academic work.
By virtue of their being in the Montessori community, they have imbibed tolerance, patience and consideration for others within a community. Our graduates flourish well in secondary schools and exhibit stellar qualities overall, particularly those who complete the primary level and are mature before leaving the school.
Though we do not use the blackboard and sit children behind desks, our curriculum is thorough and our record keeping system is highly organised. Teaching is individualized and the teacher who is also called the 'directress' is a facilitator in the classroom.
She explains the topic to the child or group of children and then encourages them to explore for themselves, taking as much time as they need to master the task at hand. As the children work, she observes and records each child's progress and plans further work for each child based on her observations and evaluation of the child's work.
We believe that children are best assessed as they engage in their natural everyday activity and not in formal examination settings. The directresses' observations and evaluations form the basis of the child's reports
EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) is the British curriculum framework designed to help practitioners plan an effective curriculum over a period of time, which can be changed, and reviewed in response to meet the individual needs of each cohort in a nursery or reception (ages 4-5) class.
It is not a scheme of work, but allows schools and settings the flexibility to plan a ‘bespoke’ curriculum to meet the needs of their children whilst ensuring the children are given the opportunities to progress through the Early Years, and to support transition into the elementary level. Practitioners are allowed to employ any of the several Early Years approaches in planning the curriculum and achieving the learning goals.
The Montessori method is one of the approaches that has proved successful in achieving not only the EYFS goals but other early years goals across nations. The Montessori curriculum adequately meets all early years goals, beyond minimum standards, and even helps the child achieve more in all areas of development.
At Heritage House we believe that a 21st century curriculum should be reflective of the universality of today's world and be adaptable. It should be such that would make the child fit into whatever environment he finds himself and a master of his own culture as well.
To this end we are committed to constantly improving and benchmarking our curriculum against recognised international curriculum and we continue to work towards being a part of initiatives and associations that aid the promotion of such standardised curriculum in order to give our students the best education possible.At primary level, Heritage House Schools offers the Cambridge International Primary Programme (CIPP).
The curriculum gives the assurance of a qualitative and global curriculum, as the child's work is benchmarked against results of other children in over 150 different countries, where the same examinations are taken. Heritage House School is a proud Associate member school of the Cambridge International Primary Programme (CIPP).
The word "Montessori" is actually derived from the name of Dr. Maria Montessori- a female Italian Doctor who developed the method in the 1800's through her work with children. T
he method is still as relevant today as it was then because it is based on the principles of child development which are constant. At Heritage House School, we do not just use the name 'Montessori' we employ the Montessori principles strictly and all of our pre-school staff are trained and certified in Montessori methods for the different age-groups. We believe that every child is an individual with his own potentials.
We are committed to helping the child maximize his potentials through meaningful 'work' in an enabling and cooperative environment.

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